Scrooge brings festive cheer to young patients in Leeds

December 8, 2009 at 4:46 pm (Company News, Fundraising, General Information) (, , , , , , )

Some very special guests attended Leeds Grand Theatre on Sunday. Young patients from Leeds Teaching Hospitals came to see Northern Ballet Theatre’s A Christmas Carol at which tells the story of Ebenezer Scrooge’s transformation from mealy-mouthed skin-flint to the most famous champion of Christmas spirit.

Photo: Brian Slater

Photo: Brian Slater

After the show the young patients were joined by Scrooge and other characters from the production for a VIP tea party and games. The patients, their families and staff were treated to tickets to the performance and the tea party courtesy of NBT sponsor, Accenture.

Photo: Brian Slater

Photo: Brian Slater

Sharon Edwards from the Leeds Teaching Hospitals says: “We cannot thank NBT and Accenture enough for giving some of our younger patients the opportunity to go along and see a performance of A Christmas Carol. What a magical experience it was, especially as they got to meet some of the cast, their little faces were such a picture! The patients who came along all have long-term illnesses and conditions and are regularly receive treatment here. On behalf of all the children and their families, a very big thank you.”

Photo: Brian Slater

Photo: Brian Slater

1 Comment

  1. fairenuff said,

    I would like to say a huge thank you to Northern Ballet Theatre and The Leeds Teaching Hospitals Charitable Foundation for inviting us along to this special occasion. My daughter, Bethany, had a liver transplant in January of this year and has recently been ill for weeks. It was a wonderful surprise and a big treat for Bethany and Eloise, Bethany’s younger sibling, to enjoy the ballet. Until this year Bethany has been too ill to attend such shows so this was her first ballet, hopefully she’ll see more of the Northern Ballet Theatre in the coming months. I have blogged about our experience here

    Thank you once again, it was a such a wonderful surprise and the girls thoroughly enjoyed the experience, especially meeting the cast afterwards.

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